Animation is commonly used to tell stories and communicate emotions and ideas in a unique, easy-to-perceive way that both small children and adults can understand. Animation has helped connect people throughout the world in a way that sometimes writing and videos cannot.
Please look at our commercial section to examples of the projects we’ve completed, each with differing objectives and styles.
Our Process
Starting with an animation brief, we turn the key messages that need to be communicated into a simple story. By considering the target audience, the video objectives and the desired call-to-action, we create a script to ensure that animations and videos follow a purposeful narrative that effectively communicates the core message and emotionally connects with the audience.
Behind every great animation is a detailed storyboard. We work closely with our clients to identify the key messages they want to get across using animation, and from this we develop a visual representation of the video, known as a storyboard.
Pricing a project is therefore dependant on all these elements:
Scope and objective planning discussions (Commercial/social media/platforms etc).
Concept design, scripting, storyboards, shot lists.
Asset creation – characters/motion graphics.
Video – if combined with video – please ref to the pricing structure for video production.
Animation creation – the time taken to do this – usually charged per day.
Output media USB/DVD/Vimeo hosting/steaming.
Basic video production starts from £399
Please contact us for more information. We will work with you to best understand your objectives. This will help us formulate an accurate pricing at no cost.